A Suede Leather Cuff for Father’s Day

It is exactly one week until Father’s Day and, like many others, I’ve been scrambling to figure out what to get my Dads (Dad and Step-Dad) for their annual celebration.

Since I’m on a pretty tight budget (as always it seems these days) I’ve decided to try to make my Father’s Day gifts. Dads still love handmade stuff even when you’re 20 years old right?

Anyway, I was browsing on Etsy for gifts and found a great assortment of leather wrist cuffs that I knew my Dad would love. Since they were a bit out of my price range, I decided to make him one myself from suede leather cord. Here is the result:

A Wrist Cuff made from suede leather cord and closed with a wood button.

I found the suede leather cord at my local Walmart for $4.00 (it took 2 packages to make this cuff with all 4 colors) along with a package of wood buttons for $0.78, so this great cuff cost me just under $10 to make but is high quality and looks fantastic!

You can find the pattern I used to make the cuff here. I didn’t follow it exactly though. I decided to crochet the cuff in a rectangle instead of in-the-round so that I could use a button to close it. I also added a row of triple crochet stitches to one end so that the button would fit and hold a bit easier when it was closed. If you choose to make a cuff be sure to make  the beginning chain is the right length. The gauge may be a little different than the original pattern.

While I made this cuff for Father’s Day, I think it would be great as a gift for a man or woman for any other occasion or even for yourself! I would love to see what others come up with for this cuff, whether it be using different colors, adding beads, using a different medium, or whatever your creative mind can imagine!

Here’s what it looks like on my wrist. It looks a bit oversized for me but will look  fine on a man’s wrist. I personally used 4 colors to represent my Dad’s 4 children, but I think it would look great in a solid color or multiple colors.
Good Luck on your hunt for Father’s Day treasures!


Ok guys, due to the ungodly amount of money I spend on yarn, the lack of selection at my local walmart, and the long 1.5 hour drive to anywhere else with yarn stocked, and of course the allure of of a more eco-friendly product, I’ve decided to try my hand at reclaiming yarn. Wow that was a severely long sentence wasn’t it? Anyway, there are tons of little second-hand shops where I live and I will be hunting for some fantastic fibers to work with. I’ll keep you updated as I learn how to reclaim yarn and the best finds for the process!

P.S. I love Star Wars and just HAD to share this video!

I’m doing the iPhone happy dance!

Ok, ok, I know.. EVERYONE has an iPhone these days, but as of two days ago: I ACTUALLY HAVE ONE. Which doesn’t seem that amazing, but really it is. So, yes, I apologize in advance, this is the goings on of a twenty something girl gushing over her new gadget.

Hands down, I love it. If you don’t have one, get one. Its like a mini desktop in your hand. I can play fruit ninja to my heart’s desire while jamming to Flogging Molly and texting my mum. I can look up google maps when I realize I missed my exit on the interstate an hour ago. I can read classics (for free of course!) like The Count of Monte Cristo and Robinson Crusoe while on break at the touch of a button. It’s everything I thought it would be and much, much more.

Now if only I can figure out which photo editing apps I want, I’ll be golden.

The problem? The phone makes me feel a little dirty. I almost feel like I’m having an affair, well I’m not married yet so I guess technically it would be cheating, but nevertheless in the two days I’ve had it the phone has not left my side. It even rests beside my bed when I sleep. I’m constantly in the app store staring in awe at the endless number of little gadgets I can add to my phone. Luckily I’m at the end of my pay period and funds are low so I’ve stuck with the free apps while leaving my remaining $6 for food. I get paid tomorrow, so I’m already weening myself off the apps before I have the opportunity to blow a paycheck!

And, of course, my fiance has already started to complain about it. I guess I don’t blame him, I always complain if he’s playing Runescape for more than an hour.

But still, I’m sure (I hope) this is just a “OOH NEW TECHNOLOGICAL THINGY” phase and eventually I’ll snap out of it, put the phone down, and do a bit of painting or crocheting like I should be doing. Like when I bought SimCity Societies and played it for 7 hours straight… but that’s another story for another time!

I’m smart enough to be a pharmacist, I choose to be an artist.

Ok now it’s time for a rant. A well needed one.

For those of you that may not know, I have recently changed my major in college from Graphic Design to Communication Arts with a focus in Theater Design and Mass Communication while continuing a minor in art. With this change, I have been drawn out of the confines of my ancient and dilapidated university art building and have been thrown into mix of the general university population. What have I found? When I tell people I am a theater student, they often immediately question my intelligence. Usually not outright of course, but it’s there. In fact, it is the general consensus that students participating in fine art programs are in them because they don’t have the intelligence to have a more “challenging” study such as science, history, or in the case of my university’s pride and joy, pharmacy. In the case of theater, I’ve heard many of my fellow college goers go on about how art-based students have it easy. Apparently it takes little or no work or smarts for us gain our degree.

What do I have to say to you people? Spend one semester, just ONE semester, doing what I do, and I GUARANTEE your mind will be changed. Try being scheduled for 12 hours a week for ONE class (you have to have a minimum of 12 credit hours to be considered full time, which is generally 4 classes) that you will only receive 3 credit hours for PLUS having an estimated 6 hours of homework DAILY for that one class. Try being REQUIRED to spend 3-4 hours nightly until 11:00 pm, 6 days a week (yes, this includes precious weekends), in rehearsals. Try doing all this plus homework that usually includes TONS of research, sketches, models, writing assignments, and the expectation that you have an endless supply of creative genius to impress professors who have seen it all. Then add on your general education classes, which usually include a lot of pointless busy work and studying for exams. THEN (in my case) add on your main JOB that you have to have to enough hours make ends meet AND your on-campus job that you need to get important experience for a future career, AND trying to start a home-based business selling handmade items on Etsy. Try doing all this while maintaining a nearly 4.0 GPA. Just try it, and see how you do.

Oh yea.. and if we EVER want to get anywhere with our art degree, we generally have to spend an extra 3-4 years getting our Master of Fine Arts degree. So, suck on that while you are at it.

But now that I think about it, this prejudice has expanded to artists in general in our present age. Gone are the days when artists were respected and sought after for their special talents. Now when people outside the art community think “artist”, they think “bum” or “unemployed” or “hippie” or something along those lines. But really think about how much it takes to do what artists do. Think about the math and basic physics it takes to make a sculpture or build a stage set. Think about the anatomy that must be learned to draw/paint the human form or to create a costume or piece of clothing. Think about the chemistry that goes into creating or mixing paints or plaster. Think about the attention to detail and quality in handmade crafts and items. Think about the research and the creative processes it takes to do these things. The truth is, an artist is not only an artist, he/she is a mathematician, a scientist, a chemist, a welder, an architect, a craftsman, a perfectionist, and some of the most passionate and involved people you will ever know, and much, much more.

Artistic careers, whether independent or company-based, are some of the most challenging and competitive.  It takes a lot of hard work, determination, experience, intelligence, and talent to be successful.

So you may be wondering, what brought this rant on? Well, I work in a pharmacy and today while I was at work an acquaintance of mine came and talked to his friend who was working with me. After his conversation, he asked me what I was doing there. When I told him I work there (which was pretty obvious in the first place since I was giving out prescriptions to people) his response was (in a nutshell) that I’m not suitable to work there because I’m not a pharmacy student and a theater student isn’t smart enough to work in a pharmacy. I assume he was joking since he does a lot of work in the theater department even though he is a history major and he never showed any previous ill will towards me, but the way he said it was extremely insulting and, in my opinion, telling me I’m stupid simply because I am following my passion and love for what I do is one of the most insulting things a person can say to me.

Because I AM SMART dammit. I work my butt off every day to achieve my goals. I scored a 30 on my college ACT entrance exams, which is only 6 points away from the perfect score of 36. I maintain a nearly 4.0 GPA. I have multiple jobs and extracurricular activities. I am passionate about learning and understanding many things, including history, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, biology, zoology, and theology. I do this by constantly working, gaining very little sleep, and the constant support and simultaneous complaints about never seeing me from my wonderful fiance.

I am smart enough to be a pharmacist, I choose to be an artist.

Go Vintage!

I was surfing the web for crochet patterns today and found an awesome site!


Its a collection of crochet patterns that were published up to 70 years ago! They are free and have no copyrights so share and enjoy! There are a bunch of super cute vintage style patterns that I’m very excited to make and incorporate into some of my other work. I’ll be posting some finished pieces soon.